Technical information

Choose the right PCB material. Find out how to prepare the right data for your order, what our production possibilities are and what we can do for you.
Digital print black
Digital print white
Coated Tape 3M9077
Material ThinFlex-A-4005RD
Material I-tera MT40
Material RO4000
Material RO3000
Material IMS VT47
Solder Resists SD 2460/201
Coverlay Pyralux Bond Ply
Soldermask red and blue
Pyralux Adhesive
Coverlay Pyralux LF
Soldermask green
Soldermask black
Soldermask white (R6 matt)
Carbon ink
Peelable mask SD 2955
Filling paste TDS THP-100DX1
Material Polytherm TC-Lam-Cu 2.0
Material IMS VT 4B5
Material IMS VT 4B3
Material MSC TC-Lam 1.3
Material IS 370 HR
Material DF-4-86 UV
Material DE 104
Material IS 400
PCB Capabilities
Technical capabilities
Data Format
Data format
Lable of layer
Panel creation
Layer orientation
Basic Materials
Single and double sided
Design Rules
Design class
Copper thickness
Production dimensions
Standard stack up
Drilling & Plating
Gold fingers
Solder mask
Soldermask covered VIA
Surface Finishing
Unique Technologies
Peelable mask
Via filling
Carbon paste
PCB with impedance control
Flex PCB – design rules
RigidFlex Inner
RigidFlex Outer
Pure flex