25. November 2020

Conformal Coating. A board lifespan extended as much as three times

RealTime Technologies s.r.o. company headquartered in Eastern Bohemia village Sezemice has been long recognized as one of the most profound and known top training centers in the country in thie field of IBC certifications. It is by far not only a training center, but also a producer and a distributor and a service center in the area of printed circuit boards repairs. Since 2017 it has also been a competeng center for conformal coating - that is a selective varnishing of printed circuit boards which can prevent dirt, dampness and chemical sediments from disrupting the functionality of the entire electronic system. And as a result extend its lifespan as much as three times. “it is a process that is relatively new and is still in development. A process of conform coating is actually applying paint with required tropicalization or anti-humidity features that help with protection against air humidity, corrosion or against harmful environmental effect on an already assembled electronic set. It is good to protect the set. Not only for the reason of degradation of bearing material, soldered joint or individual components. The result is then a significant increase in dielectric stability and strength, decrease in the possibility of transmission of a charge between outlets. It is a complete protection of the board” as Mr. Jiri Dostal, a Technical Director of RealTime Technologies says and adds one practical example to prove this. “A fastened board is coated which is way more safer. If I took your mobile phone and coated it, then I'm going to be able to sink it into water and the electronics in the phone would still be working without any further issues,” as added by a person who trains several hundreds of people in the area of IPC standards each year.

Are there any fields for which “coating” is more suitable than for others?

It is suitable for all types. But if your product is located within an environment unfriendly with external effects - which can be high altitude, or quite the opposite, work below surface or in deep mines - it will be much more likely to be exposed to risk. The same rules are also applied in Equatorial and tropical zones where there is a problem with relatively higher air humidity. Generally speaking an electronic set will last in such unfavorable conditions as much is three times longer than a non-coated board.

How does conformal coating work in practice?

We have fully automated coating lines that need all the required standards for the system of selective coaching with different types of paints. The entire process is then fully automatic. Cleaning, applying and hardening. We guarantee the quality including a full evidence of all the processes and final exit inspection.

Generally the topic of safety and security accompanies each of your solutions.

Yes but it makes sense and all the logic. If we train the IPC Class 3 – so the highest standard for the quality of printed circuit boards then our partial services are linked to high quality of all activities. That's why we deal with anti-statics, that's why we work with dampening with dry fog, that's why we apply paints or are capable of servicing printed circuit boards. We really aim and strive to be the ones setting trends in the sphere of quality standards.

Since when have you been working with Gatema company?

We have been working with Gatema for many years. My estimate is that it has been seven or eight years. Not only on the level of certified IPC trainings and seminars. Within the Gatema Day event in 2019 I also held a workshop on the topic of surface adjustments of printed circuit boards. We are connected with the drive and desire for superior and premium quality and we aim all our efforts in each aspect to deliver more than just good work.

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